Thursday, July 26, 2007

Withdrawal Symptoms

How dare my work interfere with my knitting? Some urgent matters have taken my attention away from my yarn and it's just not on!!! A whole 24 hours went by on Monday without a single stitch being knitted! And again on Wednesday! Although I did get to run away from chambers for 15 minutes and stalk the Lincraft knitting department staff again.

I did have a valid excuse to stop work on the brown jumper, because I needed to check the sizing against my brother (who is 1000km away). But, unfortunately, he flew down for one night and stayed with us last night. Sizing is all good so far, so procrastination can no longer be justified! I was having such fun with my baby jumper too. One sleeve is done and I'm halfway up the front. Heck, maybe I should just get in and finish that before the brown jumper? I'm looking for support here!

Three more orders too! My sister-in-law tried on the one striped sock, declared it to be a perfect fit and soft as a cloud, plus she loved the colours. So it seems those socks are not destined for my own feet, but for hers. They were a little small for my clodhoppers anyway. My brother tried it too and is angling for a pair for himself for Christmas. Oh well, he's a great brother, so why not?

Sister-in-law also would like a branching out scarf in cream cashmere. Bells suggests Jo Sharp Baby Cashmerino, which she used for my "falling leaves" scarf so that sounds like a plan. Her birthday's in December, so maybe socks for that and scarf for Christmas. It's so nice to be able to make things for people!

At least socks and lace scarves are more interesting "obligatory knits" than the bloody brown jumper!!! Grrrr!

Have been spending up a storm online too - have got myself a wool winder, some knitpicks DPNs and a copy of "Sensational Socks" and "Fitted Knits". Can't wait for them to arrive!! Then I'll be a real knitter!!

I have some lovely hand-dyed yarn my mother bought years ago in Tasmania, so I'd like to wind that up and make it into a scarf - maybe a one row scarf?

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Hmmmm .... maybe my husband, Glynn, should hide the wool winder for a time, until the unmentionable UFO is done.


  1. oh I have no doubt that you are already a real knitter, my dear. No doubt at all. But don't let that stop you getting all the accessories your heart desires!

    How thick is that wool you're about to wind? what ply do you think it is? It looks lovely.

    I get a whole day to knit tomorrow. Jealous? Sorry, I don't mean to rub it in....

  2. I think that yarn will make a great 1 row scarf.
    Your family won't know what's hit them at Christmas!

  3. Sweetie, you are already a real knitter. That wool is absolutely gorgeous. I can't open the link to the scarf though, would love to see it. My goodness you are full steam ahead. Love it.

  4. Wool from Tasmania?? It will be a fabulous scarf!!!!

  5. Fantastic! Isn't it amazing how quickly the yarn craze can hit us?

  6. I agree with Bells - you're definitely totally obsessed - oops - no - sorry, meant to say a Real Knitter ;)

    Hmmm, how about you get to work on the baby jumper AFTER you've done x number of rows on the brown jumper (where x > 10)? There could also be chocolate bribes involved.... one row, one piece of chocolate?

    The Tassie yarn is just gorgeous.

  7. I am so with you there on the socks. After knitting 5 pairs and giving them away, I am finally making a pair for me. No one gets to try them on or ogle or fondle them. They are mine. I am enjoying every stitch as I rarely knit for myself. It somehow feels rather self indulgent.

  8. Hey Tanya,
    Looks like you'll be very very busy leading up to Christmas with all your new orders, and I'm sure once more of your family & friends see how lovely your knitting is you'll have even more requests :)
    Ps Luv the Tassy wool.
