So, after such a horrid week, I gave myself an early mark on Friday to come home and get clicking! I'm really happy with this little jumper. And I'll be early - my friend's baby isn't due until September and it's a size 1, so won't fit him until next winter anyway.
Still got a sleeve to do! These are "stunt buttons" btw (acknowledgment to Rose Red for the term!)

I'm quite proud of my neck

And - big news - today my wool winder arrived!! I was working on something horrifically complicated today, so decided to hole up in my study at home away from phones (and people!). Of course, the wool winder arrived just when I needed a break :), so my husband masqueraded as a swift and I wound up the Tasmanian yarn. It's so clever the way that little thing works!
And I defy anyone to wind up some yarn and not do anything with it immediately, just to see how it looks, of course. So one row scarf was cast on! After 10 rows, inspiration struck!! It was like a blinding flash in my brain! I knew how best to deal with this problem I had. My grey matter had been ticking away in the background while I half concentrated on knitting.
Brilliant. Wonder if yarn can be claimed as a tax deduction, to assist in pondering time? One can dream!
This is just from one evening - this little sucker grows like wildfire!

It is intended for a male friend, but am wondering now whether the splashes of pink and mauve make it a little too feminine? Glynn and I initially thought it was either "elegant masculine" or feminine, but Glynn's latest pronouncement is that it reminds him of Tom Baker's scarf in Dr Who! The only Dr Who, in my humble opinion!